Michał Surówka
Criminal law Krakow
A competent criminal law attorney is a source of indispensable support for people where a conflict – culpable or not – with the justice system has arisen. The support of a lawyer specializing in criminal law, in this difficult and stressful situation, is often an indispensable help. Criminal cases, including criminal fiscal cases and criminal executive cases, are one of the three primary areas in which SURÓWKA Law Firm, a boutique law firm based in Krakow, Poland, specializes.
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Customer reviews
A good lawyer criminal law Cracow – support often necessary. What kind of cases do we handle?
As a law firm Criminal Law Cracow (Poland), we have prepared an offer, which includes the handling of both cases of criminal offenses and fiscal offenses, as well as cases of criminal execution, i.e. involving issues related to the execution of the sentence after a final conviction. This includes cases relating to, among other things, the conditions and terms of serving a sentence, the use of electronic surveillance, conditional early release, postponement of the execution of the sentence, breaks in the execution of the sentence and many other institutions that can improve the situation of the Client at the stage after the completion of judicial proceedings.
Experienced attorney for criminal cases Krakow – attorney Michal Surówka.
From criminal cases in particular, Michal Surowka has carried out, successfully, A number of cases involving the most serious white-collar crimes, i.e., economic crimes, including abuse of the company’s trust, fraud, harming creditors, favoring creditors and a number of others, as well as criminal offenses, i.e., those against health and life, among others . Umożliwiło mu to wykształcenie odpowiedniego podejścia, empatii, wyczucia, ale i odporności na stres oraz – po prostu – metodologii pracy w bardzo specyficznych warunkach spraw karnych, umiejętności porozumiewania się z funkcjonariuszami Policji oraz innych służb i prokuratorami, a także zapoznanie się z metodami ich działania. Adwokat prawo karne Kraków – zdobyte doświadczenie, ugruntowana wiedza prawnicza, a także, po prostu, pasja zawodowa, sprawiają, że mecenas Michał Surówka skutecznie pomaga swoim Klientom.
Law firm Krakow criminal law – to whom do we direct our services?
Our law firm is approached by various people interested in services in the field of: criminal law Krakow. We represent the interests of both alleged perpetrators of crimes (suspects or – possibly later – defendants) and victims of crime (or – later – auxiliary accusers or private prosecutors).
A good criminal lawyer – handling criminal cases of alleged offenders.
The largest group of people who turn to our law firm to conduct their cases are alleged perpetrators of crimes. They can use the services of an attorney Krakow criminal law at any stage of pre-trial and court proceedings. It is possible to get our support even before the first interrogation as a witness or suspect – regardless of the status resulting from the content of the summons for interrogation, which is often confusing. This means that the client can, and often should, decide to cooperate with SURÓWKA Law Firm even before charges are brought against him.
It should be noted that the use of the service of a good lawyer in Krakow criminal law, is recommended to customers already at this stage. This is the preferred solution from the point of view of protecting their interests. Acting without a lawyer, they may already in the first interrogation, before a prosecutor or an officer of the Police, ABW, CBŚP, CBA and others, make mistakes that may prove very difficult and sometimes even impossible to reverse. After all, let’s remember that the alleged perpetrator of a crime is often unfamiliar with criminal law institutions such as, for example, the state of superior necessity or necessary defense, does not know the consequences of acting in a state of excluded sanity, etc., which can result in an unreflective (and erroneous) admission that he or she committed the alleged act, facilitating the work of law enforcement and harming themselves, not infrequently, to a critical degree.
In this context, it is also worth taking a look at the articles written by attorney Michal Surowka:
Detention – how should a detained person behave? and Detention – what can the family of a detained person do?
Criminal law Cracow, Poland – line of defense
At the stage in question, the criminal lawyer Krakow is free to choose appropriate defense tactics, the so-called line of defense . Jej charakter będzie się różnić w zależności od rodzaju sprawy i treści materiału dowodowego. Linia obrony może, najogólniej mówiąc, zmierzać do:
- procedural struggle, which in turn may lead to acquittal, reclassification of the act in favor of the client, etc.;
- agreement with the prosecutor and agreeing with him on terms of sentencing that are favorable to the client, i.e. the so-called DPK – voluntary surrender of punishment (or rather, the so-called conviction without trial);
- to take advantage of other possible solutions, i.e. to seek discontinuance of the proceedings, extraordinary leniency, conditional discontinuance, discontinuance under Article 62a of the Law on Counteracting Drug Addiction and others.
Lawyer criminal law Krakow – the palette of possibilities of his defender’s action is very extensive, because the personalities of the alleged perpetrators are different, the circumstances in their favor, against them, and finally – the facts of each case are different. Therefore, it is very important to have experience in selecting the appropriate solution, the most advantageous for a particular client who is in a specific and specific, always unique procedural situation.
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Criminal law Cracow – the desired reaction to a conviction – criminal appeal.
Clients who have fallen into – culpable or not – conflict with the law and are interested in professional help in the field of: attorney criminal cases Krakow, should keep in mind that even a convicting sentence of the court of first instance is only a certain, though obviously very important, element of criminal proceedings. The verdict as it stands should, with the help of a lawyer, be reviewed in detail, as it can often still be effectively corrected or eliminated by appeal. In turn, the verdict of the court of second instance (issued after considering the appeal), i.e. the appellate court (district or appellate), can still be appealed in cassation to the Supreme Court.
It is very important to assimilate, for those who find themselves in the modes of justice, that every decision (concerning, for example, detention, pre-trial detention – the so-called sanctions, ordering the execution of a previously suspended sentence, etc.) or every judgment is subject to an instance review initiated on the basis of a complaint or appeal, which is filed by the Client himself or by a professional criminal law attorney. The latter seems to be the most reasonable solution, and in some cases is even required by the provisions of criminal procedure (e.g., the obligation of a lawyer to file an appeal in the case of an appeal against a sentence issued by the District Court).
Criminal law Krakow – what else should be done in the face of a final conviction?
Importantly, what clients often forget and defense attorneys often do not inform their clients clearly enough, even after a final conviction, the client and his defense attorney have a full range of options for mitigating the ailments of the verdict. It is worthwhile to outline a few of them in order to better understand what can be achieved through cooperation with a specialist, which should be a criminal lawyer Krakow.
- Several sentences imposed against one Client in several final criminal judgments may be subject, most often to the benefit of the Client, to be combined in a so-called combined sentence , which usually – with the application of the so-called absorption method – results in the sentence imposed in the combined sentence being less than the sum of the sentences imposed by all the sentences issued so far, against the client.
- The execution of the fine may be subject to installment.
- Ordering the execution of a suspended sentence is not always mandatory, so you can successfully convince the court that in a particular case, for a particular client, however, there are no grounds for sending him behind bars.
- The execution of a prison sentence may, in some cases, be postponed until the impediment ceases to exist (for example, in the case of illness).
- During the course of the sentence, the convict may be granted a break in its execution.
- If the break in the execution of the sentence lasted more than 6 months, and the convict has served at least 6 months of the sentence, conditional release of the convict from serving the rest of the sentence may be sought.
- It is possible to bring about the conditional early release of a convict from the obligation to continue to serve a prison sentence, as a rule, after he has served at least half of his sentence.
- The decision of the penitentiary commission, among others, to place a convict in a particular prison, such as a very remote one, which makes it very difficult to contact his family, a prison of a particular type and type (e.g., closed, semi-open, etc.), or to send him to a particular system of serving his sentence, or to give him the status of N (Dangerous), is subject to complaint or grievance – these are not final decisions.
- Any decision of the director of the prison (e.g., on disciplinary punishments, such as placement in an isolation cell, deprivation of rewards, food packages, shopping, restriction of visits, etc.), the director of the detention center, the court probation officer, in terms of its illegality, the convict is entitled to complain within 7 days from the date of announcement or delivery of the decision.
Criminal cases Krakow – handling the cases of victims of crime.
Lawyer’s office Cracow (Poland) criminal law – a person aggrieved by a crime may entrust us with the handling of the case at any stage, provided that, at the latest before the beginning of the first court hearing, he has made the so-called statement of acting as an auxiliary accuser, unless he has not been properly instructed about the right to make such a statement.
This is because it is worth remembering that a person who has become a victim of a crime has the status of a victim at the beginning of the proceedings. Thanks to this, from the very beginning, he can take an active role in the pre-trial proceedings, he is entitled, for example, to complain about the prosecutor’s decision to refuse to initiate proceedings or the discontinuation of proceedings.
However, these rights, which derive from the status of a party to the pre-trial proceedings, are lost if the Victim does not file a statements about acting in the case as a so-called auxiliary accuser, i.e. a party to the legal proceedings . Oświadczenie to powinno być złożone w okresie od doręczenia Pokrzywdzonemu zawiadomienia o przesłaniu aktu oskarżenia do sądu, do czasu rozpoczęcia przewodu sądowego na pierwszej rozprawie sądowej.
Acting as an auxiliary prosecutor in a case means that the victim of a crime, throughout the duration of the criminal case, until the case is finally decided by the court of second instance or the Supreme Court, can take – in person or through his or her attorney, i.e., for example, a lawyer – active participation in the proceedings, question witnesses and defendants, as well as file complaints, appeals against the verdict of the court of first instance or a cassation complaint.
When to start using the service of a criminal case lawyer Krakow? The law firm recommends entrusting the case to an attorney at the earliest possible stage of the proceedings, that is, even before the filing of a notice of a possible crime. This is because a notice formulated by a specialist will guarantee that the case will be handled appropriately by law enforcement. Particularly importantly, it will potentially significantly increase the effectiveness of this notification, i.e. the chances of achieving the goal of the prosecutor initiating an investigation or inquiry into the case, and then conducting it against a specific potential perpetrator of the crime.
In this context, it is worth reading an article by attorney Michal Surowka:
Rights of the victim of a crime (victim) – What to do? How to behave?
Criminal law Krakow – how much is the lawyer’s fee?
Clients often wonder how much it costs to help a good lawyer in Krakow whose specialty is criminal law. At SURÓWKA Kancelaria Adwokacka, the amount of an attorney’s fee for conducting a criminal case, whether as a defense attorney or as a representative of the wronged party (auxiliary prosecutor), is determined individually each time. Its amount depends on such factors as, among others:
- The stage of criminal proceedings at which the lawyer enters the case,
- the fact whether the case is just beginning or has been going on for a long time, because, for example, the judgments in the case were overturned for retrial, etc..,
- The complexity of the criminal case, including the number of charges against the client and their caliber, and whether they are similar or involve different types of criminal acts,
- the type of case and its voluminousness, after all, some cases consist of only a few volumes of files, and some even consist of several hundred volumes; at the same time, it happens that a case consisting of one volume is an extremely complicated case in terms of law and evidence, and a case consisting of a dozen volumes is a relatively simple case,
- The nature of the crime alleged or committed to the detriment of the victimized Client.
Remuneration may be set separately for each stage of the proceedings, i.e., for example, separately for participation in pre-trial proceedings, separately for participation in proceedings before the court of first instance, etc.
At the same time, when determining the remuneration for the services of a criminal lawyer, the individual life situation of the client may be taken into account. It is also not excluded, due to particularly compelling circumstances, to accept a case to be conducted pro bono, i.e. without remuneration to the Law Firm.
For more information, please read the article: How much does it cost to hire a lawyer for a criminal or civil case?
It is worth adding that within our specialties there is not only criminal law Krakow, but also:
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In the Practical Articles tab, you will find updated practical articles that are a source of useful knowledge for those seeking legal assistance in the field of criminal law. Reading these articles can enable clients of SURÓWKA Law Firm, even before entering into formal cooperation with it, to avoid making costly mistakes at the very beginning of their case or legal problem, and also provides a chance to familiarize themselves with the nature, approach to their tasks and philosophy of the law firm.