SURÓWKA Law Firm – attorney Cracow Michał Surówka
Law firm
SURÓWKA Law Firm is a Krakow-based, boutique law firm founded in 2019, with a special focus on not only …
Criminal cases, including fiscal criminal cases and executive criminal cases, are one of three areas (along with business and divorce cases)
Useful articles
Updated publications, a source of useful knowledge for those seeking legal assistance in the field of criminal law and business law.
Founder of the law firm
Member of the Krakow Bar Association, where he also served his legal training.
Graduated from law studies at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, defending, at the Jagiellonian University’s Department of Private International Law, his master’s thesis on the subject of monetary compensation for non-pecuniary damage resulting from traffic accidents. Recipient of the UJ Rector’s Scholarship for best students.
From 2014, until he started his own practice, he continuously cooperated with the offices of Krakow attorneys.
He specializes in cases in the field of:
– criminal law and criminal fiscal law, with respect to all crimes, with particular emphasis on economic crimes, as well as all crimes and fiscal offenses; acts both as attorney for witnesses (potential suspects), defense counsel for suspects and then, possibly, defendants, and as attorney for victims and then, possibly, auxiliary or private prosecutors;
– Business law, with particular emphasis on commercial company law (conversions of sole proprietors and companies, acquisitions, Due diligence – legal audits of companies and any other business entities, transactions dot.
enterprises and organized parts of the enterprise), competition protection, contract law (including in the enforcement of any claims arising therefrom), day-to-day services for companies and sole proprietors, and planning and implementing business succession under the provisions of the law On succession management.
Privately, among other things, he is the creator of the music blog NSB Entertainment and the author of the concept and compilation album tracks Blues Contemporary (2018).
Selected statements to the media: we-wroclawiu-zdewastowo-swiecznik-chanukowy – expert interview; – expert commentary;,nielegalne-uslugi-na-lotnisku-za-opoznienie-samolotu-agenci-oferuja-p.html and the May 13, 2024 paper edition – expert commentary; and the July 24, 2024 paper edition – expert commentary; and the October 11, 2024 paper edition – expert commentary.

For emergency cases, especially those involving detention or arrest, please call us at any time, including weekends.